The Long Recovery from 9/11

"It was almost as if I was the last man on Earth."

Marvin Bethea
What he saw:
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Living with the effects of 9/11 everyday:
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Marvin Bethea, a New York City paramedic, got a call after the first plane hit the World Trade Center.

"I felt I was just existing and that was it."

Brenda DeStephano
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Brenda DeStephano was injured by debris falling from the World Trade Center when she arrived at work on 9/11. She describes her long struggle to heal body and soul.

"I'm the only one alive."

Barbara Williams
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Barbara Williams was the only survivor from her six-person office in Tower Two of the World Trade Center.

"I would do something like spill a glass of orange juice and want to burn the building down."

Matthew Fenton, Justine Cuccia, and Taylor Banning
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Fenton, his wife and her daughter were evacuated from their Battery Park apartment and spent several months in temporary housing afterward.

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