Links and Resources
- http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/poverty.html
U.S. Census
Official government website for poverty statistics- http://www.aradvocates.org
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Research and advocacy center based in Little Rock, Ark.- http://www.irp.wisc.edu
Institute for Research on Poverty
Government-sponsored interdisciplinary studies on causes of poverty- http://openhandpittsburgh.org
Open Hand Ministries
Faith-based organization that works with poor people in urban neighborhoods- http://www.bloomfield-garfield.org
Bloomfield Garfield Corporation
Community development corporation in a low-income Pittsburgh neighborhood- http://www.bgacdc.net/content
Boys, Girls, Adults Community Development Center
Anti-poverty center in rural Arkansas- http://www.spotlightonpoverty.org
Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity
Aggregator of news about poverty- http://www.nccp.org
National Center for Children in Poverty
Policy and research center with extensive databases covering 50 states- http://www.ncaf.org
National Community Action Foundation
Lobbies on behalf of War-on-Poverty-era community action agencies- http://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty
National Poverty Center
Information about history and consequences of poverty
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