Revisiting Vietnam American RadioWorks
  Vietnam Scrapbook

Sami Sunchild
San Francisco, CA, USA

A Cross-Cultural, Cross-Age Love Story

Within a week of the fall of Saigon, Hung Vu, now my God Brother, was among those South Vietnamese who were swept up and deposited in a mountainous prison camp in the far north of Viet Nam. That left his wife Hoa to fend for herself and their two infant sons in the post-war ruins of Saigon.
For eight long years Hung was held in the prison, nearly dying of starvation. Then one day at roll call, his name was called, and within two hours he found himself outside the prison gates. At the train station he traded his most valued possession, the sweater Hoa had unraveled from one of her own and re-knit to protect him from the mountain cold.
At their joyous reunion in Saigon, plans were laid to apply for entry to America.
I write this story from San Francisco's famed Haight Street, which in the 60's echoed with cries of "U.S. out of Viet Nam" and "Make Love, Not War." A miracle has happened. Hoa, now Rosie, is an inspiration to thousands of people who come from all over the world. In August 1999 she and I formally became God Sisters, uniting her family and me as one "God Family " in a ceremony of love and commitment..
Thank you,
Sami Sunchild
Founder: Red Victorian Bed, Breakfast & Peace Center for photos


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