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Plessy v. Furguson Thurgood Marshall born July 2nd in Baltimore, MD Marries Vivien 'Buster' Burey Graduates from Lincoln University with honors Enrolls at Howard Law School Graduates from Howard Law, top of class Charles Houston shoots film of blacks in South Carolina Wins first major case, forcing desegration of U of MD law school Named special councel to NAACP NAACP forms Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. W.D. Lyons death penalty case Race riots in detroit Wins Texas white primary case Race riots in Columbia, TN Wins inter-state travel segregation case Truman orders integration of military Charles Houston dies at 54 Wins law school segregation case Investigates treatment of black soldiers in Korea Race riots in Groveland, FL Brown v. Board of Education ruling Marshall's wife 'Buster' dies Supreme Court issues 'Brown II' ruling Marries Cecilia 'Cissy' Suyat 101 Southern congressmen sign 'Southern Manifesto' Little Rock desegregation crisis Supreme Court orders desegregation of Little Rock schools JFK appoints Marshall to U.S. Court of Appeals Civil Rights Act Voting Rights Act LBJ appoints Marshall as Solicitor General Marshall LBJ appoints Marshall as first African American to Supreme Court MLK assassinated Furman v. Georgia Roe v. Wade San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez U of CA v. Bakke Retires from the Supreme Court Thurgood Marshall dies at 84